Below, I have a curated a guide to the best in Minnesota vintage for both clothing and home. (Want to be considered for inclusion? Email me at jahna.peloquin@gmail.com with the details!) Note: Open hours may not be accurate below; double check with the store’s website or Google for the most up-to-date hours. Read my recent story on the state of vintage shopping in the Twin Cities for Mpls.St.Paul Magazine.
Brick-and-Mortar VINTAGE RETAIL
MINNEAPOLIS: Northeast, North Loop & DINKYTOWN
The Golden Pearl Vintage in Northeast Minneapolis
Bauer Brothers Salvage
Reclaimed building materials in a massive 93,000-square-foot warehouse
@ 2432 N 2nd St, Minneapolis, bauerbrosinc.com
Hours: 8am–4:30pm Monday–Friday, 8am–1pm SaturdayThe Cat and the Cobra
Vintage clothing from the 1970s–1990s for all genders.
@ Northwind Lofts, 2400 N 2nd St #105, Minneapolis, shopcatandcobra.com
Hours: Friday 12–5pm, Saturday 12–6pm, Sunday 12–5pmFiligree Jewelry
Minneapolis' largest selection of vintage, antique, and custom modern jewelry.
@ 210 N 2nd St #101, Minneapolis, 612-486-2290, filigreejewelers.com
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 11am–6pm, Saturday 11am–5pmGuilded Salvage Antiques
Salvaged antique cabinets, doors, windows, hardware, lights and more
@ 4430 N Lyndale Ave, www.guildedsalvage.com
Hours: Thursday–Saturday 10am–6pmHello Norden Design Studio + Shop
New, vintage & reimagined edgy heirloom home goods.
@ 2400 N 2nd St #110, Minneapolis, hellonorden.com
Hours: Friday 12–5pm, Saturday 11am–4pm
Architectural Antiques
Unique and original antique architectural salvaged cabinets, buffets, doors, light fixtures, hardware and more
@ 1330 Quincy St NE, Minneapolis, www.archantiques.com
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 10am–3pm, 10am–4pm SaturdayArlo
Vintage and new femme clothing and accessories, curated into capsule wardrobe collections
@ 21 SE 4th St, Minneapolis, shoparlo.com
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 11am–5pm, Saturday 10am–5pm, Sunday noon–5pmDanish Teak Classics
Showroom selling restored 20th-century furniture and lighting, specializing in Scandinavian modern.
@ Northrup King Building, 1500 NE Jackson St #277, Minneapolis, 612-362-7870, www.danishteakclassics.com
Hours: Tuesday–Saturday 11am–5pmFieldhouse
Casual vintage clothing mostly from the ‘80s & ‘90s
@ 2213 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, @fieldhousemsp
Hours: Tuesday–Thursday 2–6pm, Friday–Sunday 12–5pmfindfurnish
An ever-evolving collection of 20th century design, decor and art.
@ 2014 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, findfurnish.com
Hours: Thursday–Sunday 10am–6pmThe Golden Pearl Vintage
Curated vintage apparel for all genders.
@ 507A E Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, thegoldenpearlvintage.com
Hours: Wednesday–Friday 12–6pm, Saturday 11am–6pm, Sunday & Monday 12–4pmGreen Threads Vintage
Vintage clothing with an emphasis on ‘80s & ‘90s vintage tees.
@ Foundry on Stinson, 1101 Stinson Blvd #100, Minneapolis, www.shopgreenthreads.com
Open Saturdays 12–4pm + live virtual claim salesModern Age District & Repurpose Republic
Mid Century furniture, lighting, housewares and home decor, plus custom Mid Century art pieces.
@ 2833–2835 Central Ave NE #2833, Minneapolis, rerepmad.com
Vintage goods & handmade goods from all across the USA & Italy for all genders.
@ 13 + 15 5th St NE Minneapolis, mothoddities.com
Hours: Wednesday–Saturday 11am–6pm & Sunday 11am–5pmOlio Vintage
Vintage clothing and home goods from a collective of vintage brands (Olio Vintage, Salty Vintage, Black Nvni & Rosella Vintage), plus rotating guest vendors.
@ 21 5th St NE, Minneapolis, @olio.mpls
Opening October 1. Hours: Thursdays–Mondays 11am–6pmRewind Vintage
Vintage and contemporary clothing + accessories for all genders.
@ 2852B Johnson St NE, Minneapolis, rewindminneapolis.com
Hours: 11am–6pm dailyTwelve Vultures
Reseller focused on natural history and curiosities.
@ 507 E Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, www.twelvevultures.com
Hours: Thursday–Friday 12–5pm, Saturday 11am–6pm, Sunday 12-5pm
Claire Steyaert Antiques
Specializing in works of art and antiques of distinction.
@ Art & Architecture, 3338 University Ave SE, Minneapolis (enter at back), clairesteyaertantiques.com
Hours: Thursday–Saturday 11am–5pmGlam Diggers Vintage
Funky, glam vintage for all genders.
@ Art & Architecture, 3338 University Ave SE, Minneapolis (enter at back), @glamdiggersvintage
Open for occasional sales, exclusive appointments and group partiesSmile Back Vintage
Affordable vintage clothing and streetwear from the ‘80s, ‘90s and Y2K eras
Dinkytown @ 720 Washington Ave SE, Minneapolis, @smilebackvintage
Hours: Open daily 11am–7pmStay Gold Vintage
Curated vintage goods and clothing.
@ Art & Architecture, 3338 University Ave SE, Minneapolis (enter at back), @staygold.vintage
Open sporadically & by appointment
SW Minneapolis: 50th & Xerxes, 50th & France, Linden HILLS
Clarabel Antiques at 50th & Xerxes
Andrea's Vintage Bridal
The world's largest collection of vintage wedding gowns, redesigned for you.
@ 4316 Upton Ave S, 2nd Floor, Minneapolis, andreasvintagebridal.com
Hours: Thursday & Friday 3–7pm, Saturday & Monday 11am–7pm, Sunday 1–5pmClarabel Vintage
A quirky little shop filled with an eclectic, beautiful, fun, and ever-evolving mix of vintage and antiques.
@ 3018 W 50th St, Minneapolis, clarabelvintage.com
Hours: Wednesday–Friday & Sunday 12–5pm, Saturday 11am–5pm
Hunt & Gather
”A vintage amusement store,” 2 levels crammed with vintage furniture, home goods, clothing and curiosities from 15 dealers.
@ 4944 Xerxes Ave S, Minneapolis, huntandgatherantiques.com
Hours: Monday–Saturday 10am–6pm, Sunday 12–6pmJune Resale
An upscale women's resale shop offering high-end and vintage designer clothing, bags, shoes and accessories.
@ 5027 France Ave S, Minneapolis, juneresale.com
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 11am–5pm, Saturday 10am–5pm
Loft Antiques
Timeless vintage and antique furniture, decor, upholstery, chandeliers, rugs and art.
@ 3022 W 50th St, Minneapolis, loftantiquesmpls.com
Hours: Daily 11am–5pmA Rare Bird Antiques
A vintage shop filled with beautifully curious antiques and goods.
@ 3016 W 50th St, Minneapolis, @ararebirdantiques
Hours: Wednesday–Saturday 11am–5pm, Sunday 12–5pmQueenie & Pearl
Queenie & Pearl is a shop made up of new, trending & vintage clothing + accessories for free-spirited babes.
@ 5014 Xerxes Ave S, Minneapolis, queenieandpearl.com
Hours: Monday–Friday 12–6pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am–5pmVictory Vintage
A mix of the eclectic, elegant and uncommon for the home, from vintage to new and one-of-a-kind.
@ 3505 W 44th St, Minneapolis, shopvictory.com
Hours: Wednesday–Saturday 11am–4pm
carousel + folk in south Minneapolis
AudreyRose Vintage
A carefully curated collection of vintage clothing, accessories and other goodies
@ 2237 E 38th St, Minneapolis, @audreyrosevintage
Hours vary. Find this weekend’s hours on Instagram
carousel + folk
Curated vintage furniture, home goods, gifts, plants and handmade goods by indie makers
@ 3109 E 42nd St, Minneapolis, www.carouselandfolk.com
Hours: Wednesday–Friday 11am–6pm, Saturday 11am–5pm, Sunday 11am–4pmE’s Emporium
Vintage furniture and household items from the ‘50s–’80s and local art
@ 3911 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, es-emporium.com
Hours: Friday–Sunday 11am–3pmEveryday Ejiji
An Afro-Latina-owned vintage shop that specializes in color and patterns.
@ Everyday Ejiji Shop, 4501 34th Ave S, Minneapolis, @everydayejiji
Hours: Saturday & Sunday 11am–5pmFlamingos Divine Vintage
Occasional store specializing in vintage, eclectic, nostalgic, affordable furniture, home decor and oddities.
@ 3404 Cedar Ave, Minneapolis, flamingosdivinevintage.com
Open one weekend a month. Visit the website for latest hours.Groovy’s
An eclectic family run second-hand store selling vintage home decor, furniture, clothing, music and more.
@ 4206 Cedar Ave, Minneapolis, instagram.com/groovysmpls
Hours: Thursday–Saturday 12–6pm , Sunday 12–5pmSouthside Vintage & Quality Goods
Stylish and affordable vintage furniture and decor, clothing and accessories, artwork, textiles and more.
@ 1832 E 42nd St, Minneapolis, southsidevintage.com
Hours: Saturday & Sunday 12–6pmStirling Castle Vintage
Size-inclusive, femme clothing & accessories with lots of fab jewelry.
@ 4806 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis, @stirlingcastlevintage
Weekly hours vary, visit their Instagram for this week’s hoursTime Bomb Vintage
Mid-century, antiques, vintage kitsch, home decor and vintage clothing from multiple vendors.
@ 3543 E Lake St, Minneapolis, timebombvintage.com
Hours: Open daily 12–6pmTurquoise Vintage
Retro, mid-century, funky home goods and more from multiple vendors.
3869 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, facebook.com/turquoisevintage
Hours: Friday–Monday 11am–6pm
B. Resale
Trendy contemporary and vintage clothing at affordable prices, plus locally made goods
@ 2613 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, 612-824-1292, www.bresale.com
Hours: Tuesday–Saturday 11am–7pm, Sunday 11am–6pmB-Squad Vintage
Vintage clothing, records, furniture, kitschy home goods and throwback electronics
@ 3500 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, b-squad.com
Hours: Wednesday–Saturday 12–7pm, Sunday 11am–6pm
Bro Bros Closet
Vintage and contemporary streetwear.
@ 118 E 26th St Suite 101, Minneapolis, @brobroscloset
Hours: Fridays–Sundays from 12–6pmClubhouse Market
A new, multi-vendor store with upcycled and vintage clothing from Better Together & friends.
@ 2441 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, @clubhouse_market
Hours: Thursday 2–8pm, Friday–Sunday 12–8pmCorner Store Vintage
Selling vintage clothing for guys and gals since 1974, including vintage Levi’s, leather jackets, Western wear and boots
@ 900 W Lake St, Minneapolis, 612-823-1270, corner-store-vintage.business.site
Hours: Sunday–Friday 12–5pm, Saturday 11am–6pmFinal Stop Vintage
Curated and inspired vintage clothing from the ‘70s to the ‘90s.
@ 2431 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, finalstopvintage.com
Hours: Wednesday–Sunday 12pm–6pmGreenhouse Salon & Shop
Hair salon and shop selling vintage home goods, plants and plant care.
@ 408 Cedar Lake Rd S, Minneapolis, @greenhouse_408
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 10am–7pm & Saturday 10am–4pmH & B Gallery
A fine consignment shop of art, antiques and quality household goods open for more than 35 years.
@ 2730 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, www.handbgallery.com
Hours: Tuesday–Saturday 10am-5pm & Sunday 12–5pmIsles Studio
New and vintage goods for the home and garden inspired by natural history.
@ 1311 W 25th St, Minneapolis, islesstudio.com
Hours: Wednesday–Saturday 12–5pmLEGACY
Curated women’s vintage and contemporary resale clothing and home goods.
@ 1610 W Lake St, Minneapolis, 612-545-7470, shopthelegacy.com
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 11am–5pmLeisure World
Casual vintage clothing for all genders with an emphasis on vintage tees
@ 2457 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, @leisure__world
Hours: open 12–6pm dailyOmforme Design
Artfully redesigned vintage furniture and custom interior design
@ 613 W 24th St, Minneapolis, omformedesign.com
Open by appointment only.Ragstock
Founded in 1954, Ragstock carries vintage and affordable, new clothing and accessories for men and women.
@ 1433 W Lake St, Minneapolis, ragstock.com
Hours: Monday–Wednesday 11am–6pm, Thursday–Saturday 11am–7pm, Sunday 12–5pmSpeakeasy Mpls
A mutual aid thrift shop selling housewares and clothing.
@ 1017 W 24th St, Minneapolis, @speakeasympls
Hours: Friday & Saturday 12–5pmSpectacle Shoppe
Retro, classic, designer eyewear including a large selection of vintage frames
@ 2405 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis (plus 2 other Metro Area locations), spectacleshoppe.com
Hours: Monday–Friday 10am–6pm, Saturday 10am–4pmUrban Jungle
Vintage men’s streetwear, sneakers, tees and sports apparel.
@ 3008 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, urbanjungleonline.com
Hours: Monday–Saturday 12–7pm, Sunday 12–6pmVuefinder Optical
Optical shop carrying unique new and gently used + vintage eyewear
@ 2909 Bryant Ave S #205, Minneapolis, vuefinderoptical.com
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 10am–6pm, Saturday 10am–4pm; appointments encouraged
316 Vintage
All kinds of vintage clothing from every era at affordable prices.
@ 316 W 42nd St, Minneapolis, instagram.com/316_vintage
Hours: Friday–Sunday 11am–6pm & by appointment
Digs Minneapolis
Fabric, yarn, craft supply + gift shop featuring handmade and vintage gifts, cards, jewelry, accessories, baby + kids and home decor.
@ 3800 Grand Ave S, Minneapolis, 612-827-2500, shopdigs.com
Hours: Wednesday–Saturday 11:15am–5pm, Sunday 11:15am–4pmKinoko Kids
Unique kids’ toys, gifts and clothing for ages 0–10, both from new makers and vintage
@ 3803 Grand Ave S, Minneapolis, 612-545-5741, kinokokids.com
Hours: Tuesday–Saturday 11am–5pm, Sunday 11am–2pm
Tandem Vintage
Colorful, playful, wearable vintage clothing, accessories and home goods
@ 316 W 38th St, Minneapolis, tandemvintage.com
Hours: Thursday–Saturday 12–5pm, Sunday 11am–3pm
ST. Paul
Lula Vintage Wear in St. Paul
Eastwood Gallery
Furniture & home accessories from the 20th century
@ 1818 Selby Ave, St. Paul, 651-695-1902, www.eastwoodgallery.com
Hours: Thursday & Friday 12–5pm, Saturday 11am–5pm, Sunday 12–3:30pm & by appointmentEveryday People Clothing
Vintage & secondhand clothing resale shop for all genders
@ 1599 Selby Ave, St. Paul, everydaypeopleclothing.com
Hours: Noon–6pm dailyLula Vintage Wear
A vintage clothing shop for men and women with clothing 25 years and older, since 1992.
@ 1587 Selby Ave, St. Paul, lulavintagemn.com
Hours: Tuesday–Thursday 11am–6pm, Friday–Sunday 11am–5pmMall of St. Paul
Large vintage & antique mall with more than 55 vendors
@ 1817 Selby Ave, St. Paul, themallofstpaul.weebly.com
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 11am–7pmThe Missouri Mouse
A vintage and antique store with more than 30 dealers
@ 1750 Selby Ave, St. Paul, www.facebook.com/The-Missouri-Mouse
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 11am–5pm, Saturday 10am–5pm, Sunday 11am–5pmOld Stuff
Antiques and vintage items, and unique gifts
@ 170 Fairview Ave N, St Paul, 651-230-3383
Hours: 11am–6pm Monday–Friday, 10am–6pm Saturday, noon–5pm SundayPeter's Oldies But Goodies
Vintage & antique furniture
@ 1814 Selby Ave, St Paul, @petersantique
Hours: Thursday–Saturday 12–5pmPractical Goods
An independent secondhand goods store offering high-quality recycled goods made from natural fibers at low prices.
@ 1759 Selby Ave, St Paul, 651-690-1122, www.facebook.com/PracticalGoodsMN
Hours: 11am–6pm dailySuccotash
Since 1995, Succotash has offered the Twin Cities a finely curated collection of Mid Century Modern furniture & home goods.
@ 1589 Selby Ave, St. Paul, instagram.com/succotashretro
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 12–5pm, Saturday 11am–5pm, Sunday 12–3pmUp Six Vintage
Gender-inclusive vintage clothing & accessories store selling true vintage since 2001.
@ 189 Snelling Ave N, St. Paul, instagram.com/upsixvintage
Hours: Tuesday–Saturday 12–5pm
Encore Consignment
Consignment store selling fashion-forward name-brand, designer and vintage clothing, shoes & accessories.
@ 242 Hamline Ave S, St Paul, 651-699-7522, www.encoreboutiquestpaul.com
Hours: Monday–Saturday 11am–6pm, Sunday 12–5pmThe Mustache Cat
A local home goods shop, specializing in curated vintage pieces and modern, handmade products.
@ 500 Lexington Pkwy S, St Paul, www.themustachecat.com
Hours: Wednesday–Friday 11am–6pm, Saturday 10am–5pm, Sunday 12–4pmSpectacle Shoppe
Retro, classic, designer eyewear including a large selection of vintage frames
@ 1089 Grand Ave, St. Paul, 651-797-4834, spectacleshoppe.com
Hours: Monday–Friday 10am–6pm, Saturday 10am–4pm
Classic Retro @ Pete’s
Eclectic vintage furniture and home goods with an emphasis on Mid Century for over 20 years.
@ 2145 University Ave W, St. Paul, @classicretroatpetes
Hours: Wednesday–Saturday 11am–5pm, Sunday noon–4pmGrandpa's Closet
Vintage men’s & women’s clothing from multiple vendors.
@ 2147 University Ave W #105, St. Paul, @grandpasclosetstp
Hours: Thursday 12–5pm, Friday & Saturday 12–6pm, Sunday 12–5pmMidModMen+friends
Unique furniture shop with restored mid-century & modern pieces, plus lighting, art & accessories.
@ 2401 University Ave W, St Paul, midmodmen.com
Hours: Friday & Saturday from 11am–5pm, Sunday from 11am–4pmScooter Gang Vintage
Vintage clothing & streetwear primarily from the ‘80s and ‘90s.
@ 2500 University Ave W, St Paul, joinscootergang.com
Hours: Thursday–Sunday 12-6pm
Shag Studio
A vintage clothing and accessories shop within a hair salon.
@ 799 Raymond Ave, St Paul, @shagstudiosalon
Hours: Tuesday–Saturday 11am–5pm
Center for Lost Objects
One-of-a-kind gifts, handmade goods, art, antiques & vintage home decor and clothing.
@ 957 W 7th St, St. Paul, centerforlostobjects.com
Hours: 11am–6pm dailyDaily Dose Retro
Buy-sell-trade shop selling curated reworked & recycled vintage clothing & accessories
@ 953 7th St W, St. Paul, @dailydoseretro
Hours: Thursday 2–7pm, Friday & Saturday 12–7pm, Sunday 12–5pm, Monday 2–6pmGo Vintage
Selling vintage clothing and accessories from the 1890s–1980s for over 15 years.
@ 955 W 7th St, St. Paul, www.govintageshop.com
Hours: Friday & Saturday 11am–6pm, Sunday noon–5pmModiLumi Lighting
Store selling custom reproduction and refurbished vintage Mid Century lighting.
@ 489 W 7th St, St Paul, modilumi.com
Hours: Saturday 11am–5pmShop Country Club
Vintage women's fashion and home decor.
@ 945 7th St W, St Paul, @shop_country_club
Hours: Wednesday–Monday 12–6pmStyle Society Shop
A collaborative collection of styles, vintage décor, refurbished furniture, and local goods.
@ 453 7th St W, St. Paul, stylesocietympls.com
Hours: Wednesday–Saturday 10am–5pm, Sunday, 10am–4pm
Merch Dog Vintage
Buy-sell-trade store selling vintage clothing and more.
@ 986 Dale St N (behind strip mall), St. Paul, @merch_dog_vintage
Hours: Wednesday 5–8pm
Fly Vintage & Vinyl
New and used vinyl records, CDs and Blue-ray discs, plus vintage home decor
@ 3900 N 36th Ave, Robbinsdale, www.flyvintageandvinyl.com
Hours: Wednesday–Saturday 11am–6pmGolden Age Design
Design general store selling 20th century Danish furniture, home goods, kids’ stuff & more.
@ 4157 W Broadway Ave, Robbinsdale, 612-408-6896, goldenagedesign.com
Hours: Wednesday– Friday 11am–6pm, Saturday 10am–5pm, Sunday 12–4pm & by appointmentQueen Bee Vintage Finds
Vintage store selling clothes, dishes, glassware, home goods and more
@ 4629 41st Ave N, Robbinsale, @queenbeevintagefindz
Hours: Wednesday–Saturday 11am–5pmFinds On Broadway
MCM furniture & decor, wool clothing and blankets, garden decor, vinyl records & more
@ 4180 W Broadway Ave Ste 100, Robbinsdale, findsonbroadway.com
Hours: Tuesday–Saturday 11am–5pm
Heirloom Jewelry
Fine estate, antique & vintage jewelry for every occasion.
@ 1008 Main St, 1st Floor, Hopkins, 952-334-1918, www.heirloomjewelry.net
Hours: Open 11am–5pm daily
Hopkins Antique Mall
Antique mall with more than 10,000 square feet and over 60 dealers on 2 floors.
@ 1008 Mainstreet, Hopkins, www.hopkinsantiquemall.com
Hours: Monday–Sunday 11am–5pmPink Elephant Vintage & Antiques
Vintage, retro, Mid-Century Modern and antique store with over 40 vendors spread across three floors.
@ 911 Mainstreet, Hopkins, www.shopthepinkelephant.com
Hours: 12–5pm daily
Golden Rule Gallery
Thoughtfully curated home & gifts, including a collection of vintage clothing & decor.
@ 350 Water St, Excelsior, shopgoldenrule.com
Hours: Monday–Saturday 10am–5pm & Sunday 12–5pmRetro Wanderlust
Quality vintage furniture, decor, lighting and clothing.
@ 3006 Texas Ave S, St Louis Park, @retrowanderlust
Hours: Friday & Saturday 11am–5pm, Sunday 11am–4pm
Mona Williams
Housed within the Mall of America, this boutique owned by local laundry expert Patric Richardson features a mix of up-and-coming European lines, designer vintage, laundry products and gifts.
@ Mall of America, 286 South Avenue (2nd level), Bloomington, monawilliams.com
Hours: Sunday–Thursday 11am–7pm, Friday 10am–9pm, Saturday 9:30am–9pmHaupt Antiek Market
Vintage and antique occasional shop open one weekend a month, each month with a new theme.
@ 7570 W 147th St, Apple Valley, www.hauptantiek.com
Open 4 days a month; visit their website for next open dates.
Wild Thing Antiques
Vintage & antique furniture & home goods
@ 7269 Commerce Cir W, Fridley, wildthingsarehere.com
Temporarily closed
Wild Vintage Collective
Over 20 curated mid-century and vintage dealers within 7,500 square feet
@ Wild Vintage Antiques, 7270 Commerce Cir E, Minneapolis, wildthingsarehere.com
Temporarily closedSpectacle Shoppe
Retro, classic, designer eyewear including a large selection of vintage frames.
@ 2050 Silver Lake Road NW New Brighton, spectacleshoppe.com
Hours: Monday & Tuesday 9am–6pm, Wednesday 10am–6pm, Thursday & Friday 9am–6pm, Saturday 10am–4pm
Bad Little Woman Vintage
Men's and women's clothing, accessories, jewelry and home goods
@ 2179 4th St # 2-i, second floor, White Bear Lake, @badlittlewomanvintage
Hours: Thursday 1–8pm, Friday–Sunday 11am–5pmCity Vintage Thrift
Vintage clothing store with an emphasis on vintage tees.
@ 3035 White Bear Ave N. Ste #7, Maplewood, @cityvintage_thrift
Hours: Thursday–Sunday 1–7pmHaus Theory
Hand-picked & restored vintage furniture & home decor
@ 2182 3rd St, White Bear Lake, haustheory.com
Hours: Thursday–Saturday 11am–5pm, Sunday 11am–3pmOldies & Goodies
Vintage clothing from the ‘60s to the 2000s + baked goods.
@ 4717 Clark Ave, White Bear Lake, oldiesandgoodiesmn.com
Hours: 10am–5pm Wednesday & Thursday, Friday 8am–5pm, Saturday 10am–5pm
American Gothic Antiques: A multi-dealer, two-story antique mall. @ 236 S Main St, Stillwater, 651-439-7709
Midtown Antique Mall: The largest antique mall in the upper Midwest with over 80 dealers on three floors. @ 301 S Main St, Stillwater, 651-430-0808, midtownantiques.com
Reclaiming Beautiful: Reclaimed, refurbished vintage furniture. Open Thursday–Saturday 10am–5pm @ 216 Myrtle St W, Stillwater, reclaimingbeautiful.com
Rose Mill: Upscale crafts and vintage furnishings. Open Saturdays 11am–3pm @ 215 William St N #1, Stillwater, 651-351-0775, rosemille.com
Rose's Collectibles: Vintage records, vintage audio equipment, vintage Southwestern jewelry, clothing and more. @ 119 Main St S, Stillwater, rosescollectibles.com
Staples Mill Antiques: Located in the historic Isaac Staples Sawmill and home to 30 dealers. @ 410 N Main St, Stillwater, 651-430-1816, staplesmillantiques.com
Stillwater Antiques Mall: Multi-dealer store of over 5,000 square feet on one level. @ 101 S Main St, Stillwater, 651-439-6281, stillwaterantiquesmall.com
trove.Marketplace: 40+ vendors offering vintage clothing, antiques & more. Hours: Thursday & Friday 10am–6pm, Saturday 10am–5pm, Sunday 11am–5pm @ 5637 Memorial Ave N, Stillwater, www.trovemarketplace.net
mivikin shop + design: @ 12 N 20th Ave W, Duluth, 218-461-1662, mivikin.com
Rainbow Room Vintage Thrift Shop: Vintage clothing, records, tapes, furniture and housewares. @ Adeline Inc, 1132 E 9th St, Duluth, @rainbow_room_at_adeline_inc
Annex Novelty: @ 316 N Central Ave, Duluth, 218-461-0622, instagram.com/annexnovelty
Duluth Antique Marketplace: @ 5705 Grand Ave, Duluth, 218-481-7202, facebook.com/duluthantiquemarketplace
Father Time Antiques: @ 395 S Lake Ave #1, Duluth, 218-625-2379, fathertimeantiques.com
Old Town Antiques: @ 102 E Superior St, Duluth, 218-722-5426, @oldtownantiquesduluth
Wrong Side of the Bridge Vintage: @ 1323 Broadway St, Superior, @wrongsideofthebridgevintage
Bearded Mermaid: Hours: Friday & Saturday 11am–7pm, Sunday noon–5pm @ 309 Division St, @shopbeardedmermaid
Vintage etc.: Hours: Sunday–Wednesday 12–5pm, Thursday & Friday 11am–6pm, Saturday 10am–5pm @ 411 Division St S, www.facebook.com/vintageetc2016
Mankato Vintage Market: @ 1630 N Riverfront Dr,, 612-759-0796, mankatovintagemarket.com
Vagabond Village: @ 732 N Riverfront Dr, 507-317-5593, facebook.com/vagabondvillagemankato
Red Wing Area:
Camilla & Me: Vintage & new clothing, shabby chic furniture & antiques. @ 33829 Hwy 61, Frontenac, @camillaandmetheshop
Minneapolis Vintage Market: Monthly market featuring 40+ top vintage vendors in Minneapolis. mplsvintagemarket.com
Totally Rad Vintage Fest: Roving Midwest-based market featuring ‘80s & ‘90s goods from 50+ vendors held three times a year in the Twin Cities. totallyradvf.com
Juniper Lou Markets: Vintage and makers market held the first Saturday of each month at Earl Giles Distillery. @juniperloumarkets
Twin Cities True Vintage Show: Vintage & antique market with clothing from 1800s-1970s. twincitiestruevintageshow.com
Vintage Village: Vintage market organized by vintage seller Everyday Ejiji held over the summer and holiday season at 50th & France in Edina. @everydayejiji
Clubhouse Markets: Vintage and makers market organized by upcycled brand Better Together held sporadically in the Twin Cities. @clubhouse_market
Online-only & Pop-up Vendors:
A&K Collective: Vintage femme clothing @akcollective
Appassionata Vintage: Vintage femme clothing. @appassionatavintage2.0
Apple Cider Vintage: Vintage femme clothing. Shop @ Time Bomb Vintage & @applecidervintage
Arcadia Vintage Co: Vintage femme clothing. Shop at Wild Things Collective & @arcadiavintagempls
aspartamie: @aspartamie
Back at It Vintage: @backatitvintage
Beeheaded Vintage: Vintage home goods, clothing & accessories. Shop at Wild Vintage Collective & @beeheadedvintage
Better Together: Upcycled, screen-printed secondhand goods & vintage clothing. @bettertogether.cc
Big Loon Vintage: Vintage tees & sweatshirts. @bigloonvtg
Big Weekend: @big.week.end
Black NVNI: Vintage & modern designer statement pieces. Black-owned. @blacknvni
Blue Tuesday Thrift: Thrift, vintage & custom clothing. @bluetuesdaythrift
Bones Mpls: Reworked vintage clothing. Shop @ Hunt & Gather Vintage, Serge + Jane & @bones.mpls
Buffalo Thrifted: Vintage tees, jackets & more for all genders. @buffalothrifted
Camilla & Me: Vintage & new clothing, shabby chic furniture & antiques. @camillaandmetheshop
Catnap Vintage: Vintage tees & streetwear. @catnap_vintage
Collecting Dust Vintage: Vintage femme clothing. @collecting_dust_vtg
Cool Trash: Upcycled vintage garments & accessories. @cooltrashnet
Crave by Carli Rae Vergamini: Vintage, secondhand & upcycled clothing & accessories. @cravebycrv
Creative Fibers: Vintage clothing & home decor. @creativefibersmn
Dawn of Time Vintage: Vintage clothing. @_dawn_of_time_
Daisy and Stella Vintage: Vintage and antique fashions. @daisyandstellavintage
Dearheart Vintage: Women’s vintage clothing. Shop at Time Bomb Vintage & @dearheart_vintage
Dreamworld Vintage: Vintage tees. @dreamworldending
Earth Maggie Co: Vintage clothing & accessories. @earthmaggie
Eclectic Ethos Vintage Goods: Vintage home goods, clothing & accessories. @eclecticethosvintagegoods
Eco Resale: Vintage & secondhand clothing. @eco.resale
Elseware Vintage: Vintage sweatshirts. @elseware.vintage
Esther Edna Vintage: Clothing upcycled from vintage garments. @esther.edna.clothing
Everyday Ejiji: Vintage femme clothing & accessories. Black + Latinx-owned. @everydayejiji
Everyday Vera: Vintage Vera scarves. @everyday_vera
Femme Retale: Vintage and secondhand clothing, POC-owned. @femme_retale
Finds Nostalgic: Vintage men’s streetwear & more. @findsnostalgic
frockqueen: Elegant, contemporary vintage femme clothing. Black-owned. @frockqueen
A Girl North: Vintage clothing, accessories & hand-dyed pieces. @agirlnorth
Glam Diggers Vintage: Funky, glam vintage for all genders. @glamdiggersvintage
Goodshop Badshop: Curated femme vintage. @gs__bs
Great Northern Vintage: Vintage clothing for all genders. @greatnorthernvintage
Greenwich Vintage Co: Vintage & refurbished men’s footwear. @grnwchvntgco
Groovy Treasures: Vintage & Y2K femme clothing. @groovytreasures
Hands Down Hand-Me-Downs: Vintage & thrifted clothing for all genders. @handsdown_handmedowns
Harlow James: Vintage & secondhand clothing with an emphasis on denim and plus-sizes. @harlowjamesmsp
Häusle Shop: Vintage home goods and clothing. @hausleshop
High Desert Modern Vintage: Vintage & pre-loved clothing & accessories. @highdesertmodernvintage
Jane Doe Vintage: Vintage femme clothing. @janedoevtg
Jersey Vintage: Vintage & antique jewelry. @mplsjerseyvintage
Krista Smells: Vintage femme clothing, also in store at Wild Things Collective. @kristasmells
Kollektiv: Vintage femme clothing. @kollektivmpls
Laces: Vintage streetwear, sneakers & tees. @lacesmn
Lady Angst: Curated vintage & designer femme clothing. @lady.angst
Lady L Vintage: Vintage lingerie. Indigenous-owned. @ladylvintage
Lady Outlaw Vintage: Vintage clothing & more. @ladyoutlawvintage
Last Love Vintage: Vintage femme clothing & accessories. @lastlovevintagee
Lavender Land Vintage: Vintage & antique silk, knit & linen clothing. @shoplavenderland
Lawson Found Vintage: Vintage & resale clothing & home goods. @lawsonfoundvintage
Lighthorse Studios: Curated, pre-loved clothing. Shop at Dame Errant & @lighthorsestudios
LOBSTERGARDEN: Vintage femme clothing. @lobstergardenvintage
LONE SOL: Vintage femme clothing & accessories. @lonesol.vintage
Look Up Street: Vintage clothing for all genders. @lookupstreet
Loon & Thread: Vintage & secondhand femme clothing & accessories. @loonandthread
Lost in Spandex: Vintage femme clothing. @lostinspandex
Lukewarm Vintage: Vintage clothing & home goods. @lukewarm_vintage
Lux by Minne Momma: Authentic designer jewelry, reimagined from vintage pieces. @lux_by_minnemomma
Mae Green Vintage: Vintage femme clothing. @maegreenvintage
Making of Urban Thrift: Vintage tees, sweatshirts & more for all genders. @makingofurbanthrift
May Baby Vintage: Women’s clothing & accessories. @maybabyvintage
Meadow Home Goods: Vintage & modern home goods. @ meadowhomegoods.com
Middle-West Vintage: Vintage clothing & home goods. @middlewestvintage
Millennial Vintage: Vintage casual wear. @millennialvintage
Minnesota Vintage & Streetwear: Vintage masc tees & apparel. @mnstreetvintage
Mitzi’s Misfit Vintage: Vintage clothing & more. @mitzis_misfit_vintage
Modern Garnish: Vintage clothing & housewares. Shop at Wild Things Collective & @moderngarnish
Mom and Pop Vintage: Vintage clothing & housewares. @momandpopvintage
Mona Phare Vintage: Vintage femme clothing. @monaphare_vintage
Moon & Back Vintage: Recycled & reworked vintage clothing. @moonandback_vintage
Moonfire Vintage: @moonfirevintage
Mostly Cotton: Vintage tees & sweatshirts. @mostly.cotton
Mute Vintage: Vintage femme clothing. @mutevintage
NCI Resale: Vintage & modern resale. @nci_resale
Nina Dani: Reworked vintage denim, screen printed tops & bandanas. @ninadaniart
Noihsaf Vintage: Vintage clothing & accessories sourced from individuals from all over the world. @noihsaf.vintage
norgedane: Vintage + modern jewelry, home decor & leather goods. @norgedane
The Ochre Stone: Vintage & handmade clothing & home goods. @the_ochre_stone
Older Friend: Men’s clothing & tees. Shop at Time Bomb Vintage & @olderfriend
Our Local Dump: Men’s tees, streetwear & more. @ourlocaldump
The Paradise Vintage: Antique & fine jewelry and more. @theparadisevintage
Primary Colors Vintage: Vintage clothing & accessories. @primarycolorsvintage
The Red Eye: Vintage femme clothing, also in store at Time Bomb Vintage. @jalynrosestyling
RetroGrade Clothing Co: Vintage tees, denim & more. @retrograde.clothing.co
Rhodeo Vintage: Vintage men's streetwear. rhodeo.vintage
Ric Rac Goods: Vintage, pre-loved & handmade goods to wear & for the home. @ricracgoods
Rosella Vintage: Vintage femme clothing & accessories, also available in store at Olio Vintage. rosellavintage.com
Ruffled Vintage: Vintage femme clothing & accessories. @ruffledvintage
Oubliette Vintage: Vintage clothing & sterling silver jewelry. @oubliette.vintage
Save the Planet Vintage: Vintage graphic tees & more. @savetheplanet_vintage
Sebastien & Eloise: Vintage clothing. @sebastien_and_eloise
Scatter Brain Vintage: Vintage femme clothing & accessories. @scatter.brain.vintage
Secondhand Nate: Vintage tees, sneakers & pop culture. Shop at Wild Things Collective & @secondhand_nate
Secondhand Muse: Vintage femme clothing & accessories. @secondhandmuse.mpls
Shop Minzer: Vintage home goods & fashion accessories. @shopminzer
Shop Renee Nicole: Vintage & designer femme clothing. @shopreneenicole
Siempre Viva Vintage: Vintage femme clothing & accessories. @siempre.viva.vintage
Showstopper Vintage: Vintage femme clothing. @showstoppervintage
Skattjakt: Vintage clothing. @__skattjakt__
Smokestack Vintage: Casual vintage clothing for all genders. @smokestack_vintage
Soda Finds: Vintage femme clothing & accessories: @soda.finds
The Some Shop: Vintage & retro femme clothing. @thesomeshop_vintage
South Foster: @rickykz
Southwestern Exchange: Vintage southwestern wear. @southwesternexchange
Standout Goods: Vintage femme clothing. @standoutgoods
Sunday Post Vintage: Vintage femme clothing & home goods. @sundaypostagevintage
Sustainability Freaks: Vintage femme clothing. @sustainabilityfreakss
Thread Finds Mpls: Custom repurposed vintage clothing. @threadfindsmpls
Thrift-fil-A: @thriftfila
thriftingbees: Vintage & thrift clothing. @thriftingbees
trapdoorfcknexit: @trapdoorfcknexit
Trap Vintage: Curated vintage tees & more. @trapvintage_
Twin Cities Vintage: Vintage clothing reseller. @tc_vintage
Twin Hand Vintage: Vintage clothing & t-shirts. Shop at Time Bomb Vintage & @twinhandvintage
Twin Stone: Curated antique & vintage jewelry: @twinstone_mn
Two Bros Vintage: Vintage tees, sweatshirts & more for all genders, also available at Grandpa’s Closet. @twobrosvintage
Two Thrift Junkies: @twothriftjunkies
Urza Vintage: Vintage tees & more. @urzavintage
The Vintage Bowl: Vintage & handmade clothing & home goods. @thevintagebowl
Vintage for Vera: Vintage femme clothing & home goods. Shop at Wild Vintage Collective & @vintageforvera
VINTAGE RACK: Vintage femme clothing. @vintage_rack_
Vintage V Clothing: Vintage clothing & denim for all genders. Shop @ Trove. Marketplace and @vintagevclothing
Voula Vintage: Vintage femme clothing & home goods. @voulavintage
wannabe cowgirl resale: Vintage femme apparel. @ @wannabecowgirlresale
Wanderer Traveling Boutique: Vintage femme clothing. @wanderertravelingboutique
Ware Vintage: Vintage femme clothing. @ware_vintage
Who Called?: Vintage femme clothing. @who_called_4_u
Wild Flowers Vtg: Vintage clothing. Shop at Wild Things Collective & @wildflowersvtg
Wind Willow Vintage Goods: Vintage clothing & home goods. @wildwillowvintage
Yellow Fern Vintage: Specially picked, affordable vintage clothing & home goods. @ @theyellowfern
Z Amore: Vintage clothing & housewares. Shop at Wild Things Collective & @zamorempls
Against the Grain Reclaim: Vintage reclaimed & reworked furniture. @againstthegrainreclaim
Amore Dolce Vintage: Vintage furniture & home goods. Duluth-based. @amoredolcevintage
Beeheaded Vintage: Vintage home goods, clothing & accessories. Shop at Wild Vintage Collective & @beeheadedvintage
Birchwood Vintage: Vintage home goods. @birchwoodvintage
Creative Fibers: Vintage clothing & home decor. @creativefibersmn
DARE Minneapolis: Curated local art, gifts & vintage home goods. Also in store @ 406 E 48th St, Minneapolis, @dare.mpls
The Dusty Mouse: Vintage housewares. Shop at Wild Things Antiques & @thedustymouse
Eclectic Ethos Vintage Goods: Vintage home goods, clothing & accessories. @eclecticethosvintagegoods
Estelle Vintage: Vintage home & kitchen goods from the ‘50s to ‘70s. @estelle_vintage1
Ghost Owl Vintage: Vintage housewares. Shop at Wild Things Antiques & @ghostowlvintage
Good Winter Shop: Mid-century vintage home items, vinyl records and original mid-century inspired art. @goodwintercreative
Grailly Bird: Vintage home goods. @graillybird
Häusle Shop: Vintage home goods and clothing. @hausleshop
Jam Jar Vintage: Vintage home goods, also available at Wild Things Collective. @jamjar_vintage
Kitsch My Thrift: Vintage kitsch & home goods. @kitschmythrift
Lawson Found Vintage: Vintage & resale clothing & home goods. @lawsonfoundvintage
Little Chair Shop: @littlechairshop
Local Strada: Vintage & secondhand home goods. @ @shoppe.localstrada
Middle-West Vintage: Vintage clothing & home goods. @middlewestvintage
The Mindful Market Co: Vintage glass & homeware. @themindfulmarketco
Modern Garnish: Vintage clothing & housewares. Shop at Wild Things Collective & @moderngarnish
Mom and Pop Vintage: Vintage clothing & housewares. @momandpopvintage
My Thrifted Home: Vintage home goods. @mythriftedhome
Night Owl Estate Sales: Estate sales. @nightowlestatesales
norgedane: Vintage + modern jewelry, home decor & leather goods. @norgedane
Olive It Vintage: Vintage home goods. @olive_it_vintage
Ric Rac Goods: Vintage, pre-loved & h andmade goods to wear & for the home. @ricracgoods
Ruthie's Haus: Vintage fashion & home decor. @ruthieshaus
Say Good Buy Vintage: Vintage home goods. @saygoodbuyvintage
Shop Junket: Vintage & secondhand furniture & home goods. @shopjunket
Shop Minzer: Vintage home goods & fashion accessories. @shopminzer
Sincerely Yours Ultd: Bold & beautiful vintage home goods. @sincerely.yours.unlimited
Sleek Lines Furniture: Refinished vintage & mid-century modern furniture. @sleeklinesfurniture
Thrifted Home Minneapolis: Vintage home goods. @ instagram.com/thriftedhomempls
The Vintage Bowl: Vintage & handmade clothing & home goods. @thevintagebowl
Vintage on the Loose: Vintage glassware. @vintageontheloose
Wind Willow Vintage Goods: Vintage clothing & home goods. @wildwillowvintage
Woven Root Vintage Rugs: Vintage rugs & vintage kilim pillow covers. @wovenrootvintagerugs
Yellow Fern Vintage: Specially picked, affordable vintage clothing & home goods. @theyellowfern
Z Amore: Vintage clothing & housewares. Shop at Wild Things Collective & @zamorempls
Cemetery Man Vintage: Vintage horror, sci-fi, Halloween & more. @cemeterymanvintage